A song for Dad on his birthday

Play “Miss Your Voice”

My Dad would be 72 today. He passed away unexpectedly last October and I miss him every day. On Memorial day this year, I was feeling melancholy. I missed laughing with him. I missed singing with him. I missed his rich and poetic conversation. I could go on and on about what I miss but my dad would be the first one to encourage me to channel my emotions into something productive. So I wrote a song. Since he passed away, and our line of communication closed, I’ve poured over every letter, birthday card, voicemail, and even the messages he wrote on the title page of books he gifted me. The chorus of the song comes from some words he wrote to me as I left to England on a 18 month mission for my church. The words were so appropriate then and even more appropriate now in his absence: “Angels will call in the notes from the wings of your stage when you go front and center and wonder what comes next.” I know that my assigned angel on my mission must now have my dad as a companion as I feel him so strongly at times. As I grieve his physical absence, I delight in his eternal spiritual presence.

While writing the lyrics and melody on the piano, I knew my unused guitar in the corner (a gift from my Mike after earning my Bachelor’s degree) was a better fit. Mike taught me the chords that make up this song—phew, there are only three chords for now.The song and my guitar skills (or lack-of skills) are a work in progress but I needed to share it on his birthday. We recorded it in our living room. We bribed our little ones to stay quiet with a package of gummy bears while we recorded. We only had the time it took until the gummy bears ran out. Bless Haribo.


I miss your voice. I need your voice.
You went away. I had no say.
Your letters stopped and you can’t call.
I miss your voice. I need your voice.

So please won’t you, call out the notes from the wings.

I miss your voice. I need your voice.
You went away. I had no say.
You left too soon, without audieu.
I miss your voice. I need your voice.

So please won’t you, call out the notes from the wings.

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